
How to download, install and run in any environment.


Before we get started, let’s make sure you meet these following requirements:

Downloading the plugin

The plugin will handle everything related to admins, bans, and mutes on your servers.
1. Download the latest release here.
2. Place the plugin inside the /game/csgo/addons/counterstrikesharp/plugins folder.
3. Navigate to your addons/counterstrikesharp/configs/plugins/CSS-Panel directory and edit the CSS-Panel.json file with the following settings.

Do I have to use this plugin?
The plugin is an upgraded version of the Simple-Admin that built to work and sync with the panel, it's not required to use the panel, but it's highly recommended to use it, as it's the only way to get the full functionality of the panel (Admin Groups, Full server queries, etc.)
Note that you must use either the Simple-Admin plugin or this plugin in order to use the panel.

Downloading & Installing the panel

There are many ways to run the panel, choose the most suitable way for you.
Note that you must have one of the above prerequisites in order to run the panel.
Why not Web Hosting?
Since the panel is made on top of node.js, it's not possible to run the panel on a web hosting, as web hosting only supports static websites (.html, .css, .js, etc. files).


- The panel should log into your db and create the necessary tables on the first run, if it didn't, make sure your db credentials are correct.
- The panel should pull all the admin users from your SimpleAdmin db, you can login into the panel using steam if you're an admin,
and you can also add more admins from the panel.

Next Steps
