Custom Domain

Connet your panel to a custom domain using a reverse proxy & configure SSL.

Custom domain - Reverse Proxy

We will install some necessary packages to our linux machine in order to host a reverse proxy domain and generate SSL certificates.
Note that these steps are for Ubuntu 20.04, if you are using another distribution, you will need to install the packages in a different way.

* I will provide a very straightforward guide to install Nginx and Certbot, and how to configure them, if you are getting errors or need more information, please refer to their official documentation.

These packages comes with Pterodactyl as part of its installation, if you are using Pterodactyl you can skip until step X

1. Install Nginx

$ sudo apt update; sudo apt install nginx

$ sudo ufw allow 'Nginx Full'

2. Head over to `/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/` and create a new file called `css-panel.conf`

3. Generate a configuration file using our template generator:

4. Paste the copied configuration into the file and save it.
5. restart the Nginx service
$ sudo systemctl restart nginx

6. Install Certbot
$ sudo apt update; sudo apt install certbot python3-certbot-nginx

7. Generate SSL certificates, change `` and `` to your domain
$ sudo certbot --nginx -d -d

8. Follow the instructions to generate the SSL certificates
9. Set auto renewal for the certificates
$ sudo certbot renew --dry-run

9. Done! You should now be able to access your panel using your domain.

Found an error/mistake on this page? let me know!